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Enjoying full human rights is the ideal and expectation of the Chinese people in the new era. "The state respects and protects human rights" is China's basic constitutional principle, and it is enshrined in the party constitution of the Communist Party of China. Strengthening the protection of human rights and the rule of law is an important task and fundamental driving force for adhering to and perfecting the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and advancing the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities in the new era. The National Human Rights Action Plan clearly states that strengthening human rights education and building a national human rights education and training base. The Institute aims to deepen human rights theoretical research, strengthen human rights education and training, promote international human rights exchanges and cooperation, and contribute to the realization of the strategic goal of the development of socialist human rights with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

Huazhong University of Science and Technology is a key comprehensive university directly under the Ministry of Education. It is also one of the first batch of key construction universities of the “211 Project”, “985 Project” and “Double First Class” in the country. Among them, the social sciences ESI discipline ranks in the top 1% of the world, the national colleges rank 9th, and the citation rate of papers ranks in the top 6 colleges in the country. The Institute of Human Rights Law of Huazhong University of Science and Technology is an interdisciplinary and innovative school-level independent entity platform formally established to integrate human rights research resources of the whole school. Colleges such as Base, Marxism, Sociology, Public Administration, Economics, Journalism, Education, Philosophy, Literature and History, Public Health, Medicine and Health Management, Urban Construction, Network Security, Automation and Artificial Intelligence Deep cross integration and collaborative innovation.

The research on human rights of Huazhong University of Science and Technology originated in the 1950s. After returning to China from Harvard University, the founder of World Development Economics, Mr. Zhang Peigang, came to our school for more than 50 years to teach poverty reduction, balanced development and It is the first in the country to study the development of industrial modernization. In January 1999, the Ministry of Education approved the establishment of the first batch of national college students' cultural quality education bases in our school, and officially began the education of humanistic spirit, outlook on life and human rights. In 2006, human rights courses were opened for graduate students. After decades of continuous accumulation, in March 2019, the school decided to integrate the strength of the whole school to establish the Huazhong University of Science and Technology Human Rights Law Institute, an independent entity at the school level. In June 2019, the European Research Center of the Human Rights Law Institute of Huazhong University of Science and Technology was established in Austria. At present, a human rights education and training system, a human rights theory research system and an international communication brand covering all levels of master, master and doctor are gradually built. The director of the Institute of Human Rights of Huazhong University of Science and Technology is the main leader of the school, and the dean of the Institute of Human Rights is the dean of the School of Law, a distinguished professor of the Yangtze River Scholars, and a senior consulting expert on the right to development of the United Nations Wang Xigen.

The Institute is a cross-disciplinary and innovative research platform at the university level. There are currently 20 full-time researchers and more than 60 part-time researchers. The proportion, age and professional structure of the full-time and part-time teams are reasonable. These include: United Nations advisory experts on the right to development, Distinguished Professors of the Yangtze River Scholars of the Ministry of Education, National Philosophy and Social Science Leading Talents of the National Ten Thousand Plan, Four Groups of Cultural Masters from the Central Government, Ten Million National Talents, Ministry of Education Outstanding Talents, the top ten outstanding young jurists in the country, and other talents who have been selected for the program, and international talents of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs' high-end intelligence introduction program. The base has existing independent office buildings with an average annual funding of more than 1 million yuan.

Relying on the superior disciplines ranked first in the national discipline rankings, the base creates a socialist human rights research laboratory with Chinese characteristics, a development rights research laboratory, an economic, social, cultural and environmental rights research laboratory, a civil political rights research laboratory, a scientific and technological innovation and human rights research laboratory, and public health. With eight human rights research units, China Human Rights Story Creative Communication Laboratory, Human Rights Education and Training Center and other eight basic research units. In the new era of Xi Jinping's socialist human rights with Chinese characteristics, the right to development, scientific and technological ethics and human rights, public health and human rights, the creative dissemination of human rights stories in China, and human rights education, they have formed prominent advantages and characteristics, and have produced certain reactions at home and abroad.

In the field of human rights research, in recent years, the main members have focused on human rights-related topics, presided over major projects of the National Social Science Fund, major projects in the humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education, and published more than 70 books. More than 70 books have been published. , Legal research, Chinese law, sociological research, political science research, and more than 500 papers published in important newspapers such as People ’s Daily and Guangming Daily, and published a number of high-level human rights papers in international top foreign journals such as Nature The landmark achievements have won more than 50 awards above the provincial and ministerial level. Actively participate in the policy and legal consulting activities of the central and local and international organizations, and provide more than 100 kinds of consulting reports to the central and local and international organizations.

In education and training, the base has formed a fully covered human rights education system. The base has two experts from the National Textbook Committee, participated in the preparation, review and revision of the human rights part of the Central Malaysian Engineering Textbook, the Ministry of Education ’s core curriculum materials for the 21st century, and leading cadre training materials. A full-chain curriculum teaching system consisting of special topics on human rights law (professional courses for graduate students) and special studies on human rights law (doctoral courses). Recruited graduate students and doctoral students in the direction of human rights law. Researchers at the base were invited by the central and local party and government organs and all sectors of the society to hold lectures on human rights knowledge training and achieved good social benefits.

In terms of capital and political advice, the base actively participates in the decision-making consultation of the Chinese government and the United Nations and other international organizations to serve the country's major strategic needs. In the past three years, it has provided more than 100 decision-making consultation suggestions to the central and local governments and more than 10 suggestions to the United Nations, which were adopted by the United Nations and included in official United Nations documents. Invited by the United Nations to participate in meetings of the United Nations Human Rights Council, directly participated in the drafting of the United Nations "Right to Development Standards and Sub-implementation Standards", the drafting of the United Nations "Right to Development Convention", the drafting of the annual report of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development and other major work. In China, entrusted by the Human Rights Bureau of the Central Propaganda Department, he was responsible for leading the drafting of a national human rights document such as the White Paper on China ’s Right to Development and the White Paper on the Development and Progress of China ’s Human Rights Cause in the 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up.

In international exchanges, establish close cooperation with the UN Human Rights Council and participate in UN human rights activities. It has established extensive cooperative relations with universities, research institutions or organizations in dozens of countries around the world, and has achieved certain results in cooperative research, mutual visits of personnel, students studying abroad, and interactive dialogue. It has successively hosted the "2019 China-Europe Human Rights Seminar" (Vienna) organized by the China Human Rights Research Association and the Austrian-Chinese Friendship Association. Large-scale international human rights activities, such as the Sustainable Development Agenda, plan the UN Human Rights Exhibition "Development of China's Human Rights Cause in the 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up".

Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, People's Daily, Guangming Daily, China Daily, European Times, Austrian News, British BBC and other mainstream media at home and abroad conducted extensive reports on the Institute and its research results.