"What periods of development has the content of the current international human rights gone through..." On April 11, Professor Wang Xigen, Dean of our school and Changjiang Scholar, was invited to deliver a wonderful speech entitled "Theory and Practice of the Right to Development—the Latest International Development Trend" on the lecture hosted by the College of Law of National Chengchi University in Taiwan.

The theme of Professor Wang's lecture was "New Development in International Human Rights Law". First of all, from the four perspectives of "generation of human rights", "dimension of human rights", "occasion of human rights" and "relief of human rights", he made a detailed introduction to the three generations of development of the current international human rights content, the changes in the time and space dimensions, the human rights problems existing between human and nature, between the previous generation and the next generation, and the relief problems in human rights violations. Professor Wang gave a focused introduction on the international development of the right to development and the challenges it faced. As the basic right of all individuals and collectives to participate in, promote and share their economic, social and cultural activities, the right to development was first formally proposed by Keba Mbaye, the first president of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Senegal and member of the United States Commission on Human Rights in 1970. In November 1977, in the article "A 30-Year Struggle" published in the UNESCO Courier, the right to development was officially classified as a new human right, known as the third generation of human rights. The challenge for the right to development in the process of its development mainly comes from the debate whether the right to development is a right or a gift. Professor Wang believes that the right to development as a right can form a consensus from the perspective of the human rights legal philosophy and finds the basis from the relevant discussions of classical human rights legal philosophy, modern sociology legal philosophy and other philosophical schools. Finally, Professor Wang elaborated how to realize the effective protection of the right to development from two aspects of methodology and theory of norms.

After the lecture, Professor Wang led four exchange students from National Taiwan University, including Luo Xinlin, Zhang Yuwei, Wang Wenhui and Deng Ruiheng, to discuss the cooperation between the two schools with Professor Wen-Chieh Wang, Vice President and Dean of the College of Law of National Chengchi University, and reached a consensus with professors of relevant professions on the cooperation of holding cross-strait professional forums.