Phone: +86 18811328218
Email: duzhihan@hust.edu.cn
Research Interests: Criminal Law
Ph.D. in law, Tsinghua University, 2019;
M.A. in law, Wuhan University, 2015;
B.A. in law, Wuhan University, 2012.
Professional Experience
Lecturer of Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (since 2019);
1. Hypothetical causation:concrete issue and attributes theory, Criminal Law Review, 2017(2);
2. A Study on the Cognizance of Gambling Fraud from the Perspective of Game Rules, Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology(Social Science Edition), 2017(2);
3. A Study on the vicious spread rumors, Journal of Hubei University of Police, 2014(11);
4. Study on Gambling Fraud, Journal of Hubei University of Police, 2014(9);
5. On application of the presumption in the case of environmental pollution, The third national annual meeting of Science of environmental Law, 2014(8).
Awards and Honors
The Outstanding Graduate of Tsinghua University,2019.
The prize for the Outstanding Achievements Award of Doctoral Dissertation of Tsinghua University, 2019.
Criminal Law