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Guan Bin

Associate Professor

Phone: 18186152672


Academic Area: Economic Law and Social Law

Research Interest: Law of Taxation and finance

Dr. Guan received his Bachelor of History from Hubei University, Master of Economic Law from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, and Doctor of Economic Law from Hunan University. As the doctor of Economic Law and Master Tutor, and he is also serving as the Leader of the Master of Economic Law Instructor in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Executive Director of the Financial Law Research Center, Visiting scholar at Bayreuth University, Germany (October 2005 - October 2006),

Academic Degrees

PhD, Hunan University, 2007

Professional Affiliations

Prof. Guan is also the Director of China Economic Law Research Association, Director of China Finance and Taxation Law Research Association, Director of the Chinese Society of Social Law, Vice President of Wuhan Economic Law Research Association, Wuhan Municipal Supervision Bureau (first batch) legal counsel (March 2016 - March 2019) etc.

Selected Publication

1.[UN] Andreas Rahmatian: "Analysis of Property and Ownership from the Perspective of Psychology", translated by Guan Bin, etc., edited by Yi Jiming: Private Law, episode 8, Volume 2 (Total Volume 16), Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press, April 2010 edition, page 121-142.

2. [US] Michael Hudson: "The Ekaterinburg Inflection Point: The End of the Dollarization and the End of the US Financial Military Empire", translated by Guan Bin, etc., Journal of Hubei Adult Education College, No. 2, 2010, page 53-54, 65 .

3. Guan Bin, Wang Huan: "Financial Crisis Response from the Perspective of Finance and Tax Law", edited by Li Changqi and Yue Caishen: Economic Law Forum (Vol. 7), Mass Press, 2010 edition, page 213-235.

4. "Discussion on Financial Consumer Protection", Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition), No. 1, 2010 , page 53-58.

5. "30 Years of Research on China's Economic Law: Key Word Perspectives", North Methodology, No. 4, 2009, page 54-70.

6. "Chinese Financial Law Research Paradigm Needs to be Upgraded: From CBS to FIRE", Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition), No. 3, 2009, page 13-16.

7. "On the Human Rights Dimensions of Consumer Rights", Law and Business Research, No. 5, 2008, page 57-67.

8. "Constitutional Analysis of Market-Based Government Economic Behavior", Huazhong Law Review (Episode 1 of Volume 2), Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press, 2008, page 147-191.

9. "Stepping up the pace of social legislation", "Yue Dan Financial Law Magazine" (Taiwan), 2007, No. 10, page 43-53.

10. "American Anti-Sexual Harassment Regulations and Enlightenment", edited by Lin Jia, "Labor Law Review" (Vol. 1), China Renmin University Press, 2005, page 372-420.

11. "The Definition and Significance of Social Law in China", edited by Qi Duojun, "The Economic Law Collection" (Vol. 11), China Founder Press, 2005, page  283-323.

12. "Research on the Basic Rights of Labor", edited by Li Changqi, "Economic Law Forum" (Volume 3), Mass Press, 2005 edition, page 532-559.

13. "Legal Regulation of Market-Based Government Economic Behavior", China Law, No. 1, 2004.

14. "A Preliminary Study of the Relationship between Economic Law and Social Law", Modern Law, No. 2, 2003.

15. "Economic Law and Economic Democracy", "Chinese and Foreign Law", No.6, 2002

16. "A Preliminary Study of the Framework of Economic Law Research", "China Law", No. 6, 2001.

17. "Legal Thought on Overwork Death", "Lawyer World", No. 5, 2001.

Awards and Honors

Third Prize of Jurisprudence Textbook and Judicial Scientific Research Achievements in 2003

First Prize of Outstanding Papers of Economic Law Research Association of China Law Society in 2008

Second Prize of Outstanding Papers of Finance and Tax Law Research Association

of China Law Society in 2009

Third Prize of the 2013 Hubei Provincial Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award (Working)

Hubei Provincial Social Science Fund Project: Research on Legal Regulation of Sovereign Wealth Funds——Also on the Institutional Ecology of China Investment CorporationProject No. 2011LZ036, 2011

Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Research Planning Fund: Research on the Legal Issues of Shadow Banking System SupervisionProject No. 12YJA820019, 2012

Hubei Provincial Social Science Fund Project: Risk dimension of financial lawProject No. 2013009, 2013.

Since 1997, in "China Legal Science", "Studies in Law and Business", "Peking University Law Journal ", " Modern Law Science", "Economic Law Review" (China Fangzheng Press), "Economic Law Review (Law Press·China) )", "Economic Law Forum (Hong Kong)", "Monthly Financial Law Journal (Taiwan)", "Economic Jurist", "Tribune of Economic Law", "Labor Law Review", "Private Law Review", "Northern Legal Science", "Feminism in China", "Economics Information", "Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)", "Wuhan Finance Monthly", "Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(Social Science)" ,"Journal of Beijing Normal University", "Legal Daily", "Financial Times",more than 70 papers and essays have been published in newspapers and magazines. A number of papers were reprinted by Replicated Journals of Renmin University of China, D412 Civil and Commercial Law, D413 Economic Law and Labor Law, F62 Finance and Insurance, and Highlights of Chinese economic law

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