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Curriculum Vitae

Name: DU LI

Gender: Female

Nationality: Chinese

Working experience

2017.8 Hague Academy of International Law Researcher

2011-present Law School, Huazhong University of Science and

Technology Lecturer

Academic background


University of Paris-SudXI Ph.D

Public law


University of Paris-SudXI Master 2(postgraduate)

Space applications and telecommunications law


University of Paris-SudXI Master 1

International and European law


Shanghai International Studies University Bachelors Degree

International Commercial Law

Research Projects

2018, “Legal Issues on International Space Cooperation in the ‘One Belt One Road’ Region”, supported by Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

2017, “Legal Problems on Commercialization of Remote Sensing Satellites of High Resolution”, supported by China Academy of space law.

2015, “Chinese IP Law Issues Concerning China’s Participation in International Space Cooperation”, supported by the National Social Science Fund of China.


Li, D., “Analysis of Legal Issues in International Space Cooperation under the ‘One

Belt, One Road’ Initiative”, no. 1,Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 2018: 118-126.

Li, D., “Onthe Distribution of National Defense IP Rights in Space Activities”,Chinese Annual of Space Law, China Aerospace Press, 2016.

Li, D., “Export Control Issues on China’s Participation in International Space Cooperation”,Chinese Annual of Space Law, China Aerospace Press, 2015.

Li, D., “The Challenges of 3D Printing in Outer Space to Intellectual Property Regime”,no.3,Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 2018: 137-142.

Li, D.,“Le rôle des institutions administratives dans l’industrie spatiale en Chine”,inPhilippe A.(Ed.),Pratiques juridiques dans l’industrie aéronautique et spatiale, Editions A. Pedone , 2014 : 95-110.

Li D., Zhao H., “New Development of Space Legislation in European Countries”, no. 389,Aerospace China, 2010, pp: 22-27.

Li D., “The Control of Outer Space Law on Private Space Activities and its Influences over Space contracts, vol. 2-3,Space Law Review, Harbin Institute of Technology Press, 2009: 208-220.

Complementary Information

Language abilities Chinese: Native

English: Full professional proficiency

French: Full professional proficiency

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