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Tu Shaobin

Tu Shaobin, 1976.11 -, Associate professor, Bachelor of Chinese language and literature, Hubei University for nationalities, Master of jurisprudence, School of law, Wuhan University, Doctor of constitution and administrative law, School of law, Wuhan University. September 2018 to September 2019 visiting scholar of the School of Law of the Oklahoma City University.

Academic achievements: more than 20 papers have been published in such journals as Studies in Law and Business , Law Review, Modern Law Science,Law and Social Development, Law Forum, Wuhan University International law Review, Xiamen University Law Review, and many academic essays have been published in Beijing Daily, Procuratorate Daily, People's Court Daily, Xinhuanet, etc; China Social Science Press published "Seeking the Rule of Equilibrium: Based on the Discussion of Citizen Subjectivity and Confucian Culture".

Presided over: One ministerial project of China law society, three Central University projects.

Awards: The second prize of solicitation (ministerial) of China Law Society in 2011, the excellent prize of solicitation of the 8th China Law Youth Forum in 2013, and the first prize of solicitation (ministerial) of 2018 China law scholars forum.
