Associate Professor
Research Interests: Intellectual Property Law,Scienceand technology law, Competition Law, bioethics and law
Academic Degrees
Ph.D. inLaw, 2015, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
M.A. in law, 2002, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
B.A. inlaw, 1999, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
Courses Taught
Intellectual Property Law, Competition Law, International Intellectual Property Law
Professional Experience
Associate professor, Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (since 2016)
Memberof Teaching Guidance Committeeoflaw schoolofHuazhong University of Science and Technology (since 2012)
Selected Publications
1.Informed Consent in the Human Genetic Research:from the Perspective of ELSI, Law Press,2016.
2.Informed Consent in the Legislation of Human Genetic Resources: The Realistic Perplex and Response Approach, Journal of Dialectics of Nature,2016(2).
3.On the General Clause of Anti-Unfair Competition Law: Suggestions on Article II of the Revised Draft,Electronics Intellectual Property,2016(6).
4.Study on Intellectual Property Issues in Development of biobank, Intellectual Property ,2015(3).
5.On the Determination of Indirect Patent Infringement in the context of 3D printing technology, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition),2014(5).
6.On the Patent Eligibility of Human Genes from Myriad Case, Electronics Intellectual Property,2014(4).
7.Three-Dimensional Printing Technology and Patent Law, Journal ofScience, Technology and Law ,2014(4).
8.Informed Consent in the Protection of Human Genetic Resources: Evolutionary Change in Chinese Legislation, Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Science, 2014(2).
9.Human Genetic Data: Open Sharing or Intellectual Property Protection, Intellectual Property ,2014(1).
10.STS Analysis of Patent Protection of Biotechnology invention, Science, Technology and Humanities (Vol.4), Social Science Academic Press,2010.
11.Water Resources and Traditional Knowledge from the Perspective of Intellectual Property Protection, Journal for Law and Policy in China,2009(2).
12.Ten Questions in China's Anti-Unfair Competition Law Amendment, Law Science, 2009(1).
13.Reflection and Progress to Create A More Ethical Future—the 8th Asian Bioethics Conference (ABC-8) Review, Life Law Theory, Heilongjiang People's Publishing House, 2008.
14.The Weight of Life, Takes Itself a Remarkable Achievement—the First National Bioethics Conference (NBC-1) Review,Life Law Theory, Heilongjiang People's Publishing House, 2008.
15.Current Situation and Reform Trend of China's IPR Judicial Appraisal System,Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition),2007(3).
16.Review of the Third Cross-Strait Conference on Intellectual Property Forum, Science and Technology Law and Policy Review, 2007.
17.Basic Issues on Science and Technology Plan Legislation,Journal ofScience, Technology and Law, 2006(1).
18.On the Patent Protection of Business Methods, the first volume of Network Economy and Legal Forum, Chinese Procuratorate Press, 2002.
19.The Resurgence of Business Method Patents, China Intellectual Property News, January 21st, 2002.
20.On the Coordination of Trademark Law and International Trademark System, Science-Technology and Law, 2001(3).
21.On Legal Regulation of Gift Promotion, International Business (University of International Business and Economics Journal), 2001(1).
22.On Genes Copyright and Patent Protection,Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition),2000(4).
23.Patent Protection Research of Genetically Modified Organisms,Journal of Shanxi University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition),2000(4).
24.Observing the Changes of Legal Norms from the Reconstruction of the Information Network System of Social Norms, Science·Economy·Society, 2000(3).
25.On the Role Commercialization Right,The Journal of Fujian Institute of Political Science&Law,2000(3).
1.Research project of National Social Science Fund: Study on human genetic data protection systems from the Perspective of the Non-traditional Security(Grant No.18BFX170)
2.Research project of Ministry of Education: Intellectual Property Issues in Human Genetic Resources Protection and Management. (Grant No. 12YJC820115)
3.Research project of Hubei Provincial Social Science Fund: Study on Countermeasures to Promote the Development of IP Securitization in Hubei Province(Grant No. 2014016)
4.Research project of Hubei Provincial Department of Education: Study on the legalization of ethical norms in the protection of human genetic resources(Grant No. 13g024)
5.Youth Project of Independent Innovation Fund (Humanities and Social Sciences) of Huazhong University of Science and Technology: Study on biobank legislation (Grant No.2016AC012)
6.Youth Project of Independent Innovation Fund (Humanities and Social Sciences) of Huazhong University of Science and Technology: Study on Informed Consent in Construction and Development of biobank (Grant No. 2014016)
7.Youth Project of Independent Innovation Fund (Humanities and Social Sciences) of Huazhong University of Science and Technology: Legal Protection of Human Genetic Resources (Grant No.2011WC045)
8.Youth Project of Huazhong University of Science and Technology: Comparative Study of IPR Legal Environment in Cross-strait Biotechnology Industry Development (Grant No.2009013)