Name:Xu Junhua
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: Oct. 06Th, 1974
Address:LawSchool,HuazhongUniversityof Science and Technology
HongshanDistrict, Wuhan, PRC (430074)
Room318-2,Maple GardenNo. 11, Wuhan University,
Wuhan, China 430072
1037 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China
Xu Junhua
Associate Professor oflaw, Ph.D. of law
Education Background:
·Ph.D. of Law (2002,7---2005,6)
International Law Institute, Wuhan University, China
·Master of Law (1999,9---2002,6)
Institute ofPolitics andLaw, HubeiAcademy ofSocialSciences,China
·Bachelor ofLaw(1993,9---1997,6)
Department ofCriminalJustice,NorthwestUniversity ofPoliticalScience andLaw,China
Work Experience:
·Associate Professor (2008,1---)
International LawDepartment,LawSchool,HuazhongUniversityof Science and Technology,China
·AssistantResearcher (1997,6---2006,1)
Institute ofPolitics andLaw, HubeiAcademy ofSocialSciences,China
Courses Opened:
·International Law
·WTO Law
·International Commercial Law
·Xu Junhua."The Belt and Road" and International Counter-Terrorism: from the Perspective of International Law, Beijing, Law Press, 2019;
·Xu Junhua.International Law Strategy of China's International Cooperation against Terrorism under Background of the Belt and Road. Law Review, 2019(1);
·Xu Junhua.On the Application of Non-Refoulement in Maritime Interception. Tribune of Political Science and Law, 2017(2);
·Xu Junhua.International Legal Regulation of Preventing and Controlling Terrorists from Cross-Border Flowing: Example of "Islamic States".Law Review, 2015(2);
·Xu Junhua,Li Ruohan.The Dilemma and Way-out of the Present of Natural Person under GATS Framework.World Trade Organization Focus, 2012(1);
·Xu Junhua.Protection of Customers’ Rights in Electronic Business in China.The 10th Wuhan International Conference on E-Business. Wuhan, China, May 28-29,2011;
·Xu Junhua, Li Ruohan."Environmental Refugee" in terms of International Law.International Forum, 2011(1);
·Xu Junhua.The Issue of Legal Controlling of Illegal Migration, Wuhan, Huazhong University Press, 2007;
·Xu Junhua.Legitimacy and Rationality of Use of Non-lethal Weapons. Law Review, 2010(5);
·Xu Junhua.Thoughts of the Issue of Illegal Migration in International Law. Law Review, 2007(1);
·Xu Junhua.The Concept of Illegal Migration and Its Legalization. Theory Monthly, 2007(6);
·Xu Junhua, Li Xin.Bilateral Cooperation Mechanism in International Legal Controlling of Illegal Migration: Example of China's Practices. Hubei Social Science, 2007(5);
·Xu Junhua.Humanitarian Intervention and the Development of International Law. in Zeng Lingliang and Yu Minyou, eds.,The Foundations, Structure and Challenges of international Law at the Age of Globalization, Wuhan, Wuhan University Press, 2006, pp.310-326.
·Xu Junhua.Analysis on the Motivation of Illegal Migration. Jianghan Tribune, 2005(4);
·Xu Junhua.On the Values of DSU of WTO. Theory Monthly, 2005(3);
·Xu Junhua.Iraq War and the Challenges, Development of International Law.in Zeng Lingliang eds.,International Law and China in the Early 21st Century, Wuhan, Wuhan University Press, 2005, pp.99-111;
·"Research onlegalissues ofpreventing andcontrollingcross-borderterroristflows"(The National Social Science Fund Project, No.15BFX200, 2015),Project leader.
·"On China model of protection ofsecurity interests overseas"(The National Social Science Fund Project,No.13AFX028, 2013), First Participant.
·"Basic legal issues of global securityresearch program"(Major project of Ministry of Education,No.12JJD820004, 2012), Participant;
·"Immigration and development from the perspective of international law"(Fund ofSelf-renovation researchof Huazhong University of science and technology NO. 2011WC041, 2011), Project leader.
·"Anti terrorism and immigration security"(Key projectsofHumanities and social sciencesof Ministry ofEducation, NO.07JJD820164, 2007), First Participant;
·Excellent classroom teaching effectprizeofHuazhongUniversity ofScience andTechnology,2019.
·Second prize of teaching quality of Huazhong University of Science and Technology,2009.
·Second prize of teaching quality of Huazhong University of Science and Technology,2008.