Name:Bin Yan
Office Phone Number:
Title:Associate Professor
Email Address:521166228@qq.com
Personal Profile
Bin Yan, Male, from Wuhan, Hubei Province. Doctor of Law, Associate Professor and Master’s Tutor. He graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 1999 and obtained the qualification of lawyer in the same year.In 2001,he obtained the qualification of Practicing Lawyer (License Number:170100125752). From 2001 to 2002, he served as Administrative Director and Legal Advisor of Teda Network Co.,Ltd. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2008. From 2002 to 2008, he served as part-time lawyer of Hubei Yoga Law Firm and Hubei Jiuchou law Firm. He is currently the director of the teaching and research department of environmental law and a member of the teaching steering committee of the law school of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
Main Research Direction
environment law
Taught Courses
Undergraduate:Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law
Master of Law:Basic Theory of Environmental Law, Environment Civil Law
Juris Master:Environmental and Natural Resources Law
Sole Authored:
² Bin Yan. Legislation Idea and Institutional Logic---Research on Compensation System of Housing Expropriation of The National State-Owned Land. Science Press,2018
² Bin Yan. Green Consumption---The Expression of Environmental Justice in Ecotourism. World Book Press,2012
² Bin Yan. Environmental Law in Social Change. Huzhong University of Science and Technology Press,2008
² Shouqiu Cai, Bin Yan(Associate Editor).Course on Environmental Resources Law. Hunan University Press,2010
² Zhongmei Lv, Bin Yan. Original Theory of Environmental Law.Fudan University Press,2006
² Yuzhong Luo, Bin yan. Science and Technology Law. Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press,2005
² Zhongmei Lv, Bin Yan. Case Teaching Material of Environmental and Natural Resources Law. Higher Education Press,2005
² Daosheng Wang, Bin Yan(Associate Editor).Judicial Reform in The Perspective of Local Nomocracy---Huangshi Model. Changjiang Press,2005
² Zhongmei Lv, Bin Yan(Co-Authored). Transcendence and Conservatism---Innovation of Environmental Law with The Continuous Developing Sight. Law Press,2003
² Bin Yan, Qiushuang Bi. Research on Unified Management System of Nationalized Natural Resources. Environmental Economy,2018(4)
² Bin Yan. Soil Pollution Liability for Damages of The State Responsible Parties. China Land Science,2017(11)
² Bin Yan, Zhongmei Lv. Claim for Environmental Damage in The Environmental Litigation. Journal of Law Application,2016(2)
² Bin Yan. Right Imbalance and Coordination in Agricultural Land Circulation. China Land Science,2016(1)
² Bin Yan, Yue Wang. Research on Insurance System of Liability for Soil Pollution in Japan. Environmental Economy,2015(4)
² Bin Yan, Jiyin Chen. The System of Taking The Blame and Resigning Needs to be Refined. Environmental Economy,2014(7)
² Bin yan. Standing to Sue in Citizen Suits: The Friends of The Warth v. Laidlaw Case. Science Technology and Law,2014(2)
² Bin Yan. The Protect System of The Animal Law of The China. The International Conference on Social Science and Environment ,2013(SCI)
Research Projects:
² 2013, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Independent Innovation Research Fund, Research on Legal Liability of Contract for Environmental Services
² 2012, Hubei Law Society Provincial Project, Research on Legal Issues about Regional Fair Trading of Selling Pollution Right
² 2011, Hubei Provincial Government, Business Secret Protection of Environmental Information Disclosure System
² 2010, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Innovation Fund, Legal Countermeasures for Carbon Fair-Trading
² 2009, Wuhan Government, Research on Environmental Regime of Major Pollution Enterprises
² 2009, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Liberal Arts Fund, Research on Issues about Environmental Personality Right
² 2008,Huazhong University of Science and Technology Education Reform Project, Research on Practical Teaching Mode of Environmental and Resources Law
² 2007,Wuhan Zhonglian Real Estate Development Co.,Ltd. ,Legal Risk Assessment of City Planning and Environmental Policy in Wuhan
² 2006,National Social Science Fund, Environmentally-Friendly Society and Improvement of Environmental Tort Law
² 2005,The Key Research Base of Ministry of Education Bidding Project, Research on Integrated Decision-Making System of Environment and Development
Other Honours
² Award Certificate of Attendance Workshop on “THE TEACHING OF EXPERIENTIAL LEGAL EDUCATION” ,The University of the Pacific Mcgeorge School of Law and American University Washington College of Law,2009.
² The Excellent Graduation Thesis Instructors of Undergraduates in Hubei Province,2009
² Activists of the Association of Law School,2007
² Award “Young Academic Award”of Law school,2006
² The most popular instructor of Law School,2006
² The outstanding Class teacher of Law School,2006
² Award Certificate of Attendance of the D-anniversary convention of Law Association for Asia and the Pacific. Brisbane. Australia ,2005;
² The Excellent Instructors for Scientific an Technology Innovation Activities of College Students of Huazhong University of Science and Technology,2005
² One of the students’ favorite ten teachers of Law School,2004