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Master's Program to Hastings College of the Law, University of California, USA

发布人: 发表时间:2020-04-03 来源: 浏览次数:

I.Program Introduction

1.About the College

Boasting an age-old history, Hastings College of the Law is the first law school established in California and the third largest public law school in the United States. It is ranked 44th in the law schools of America by U.S. News & World Report. Located in San Francisco, the United States Hastings College of the Law is adjacent to all levels of courts and the administrative agencies of the district, California and federal government, and just separated by a wall from many of the world's largest technology companies, international law firms and many of the most creative start-ups which play key roles in the economic development of the United States and the Asia Pacific region. Therefore, students in Hastings College of the Law are enjoying not only the opportunities to do their research in the top law schools in the United States, but also the opportunities to accumulate rich internship experience. In addition, in San Francisco, an inclusive, open, diversified and international city, students of Hastings College of the Law have more opportunities to meet people from different countries and understand the legal concepts and systems of different countries.

2.About the Program

This program includes LLM and MSL (the Master of Studies in law). LLM program offers flexible options of courses. Students can either choose courses they favor from more than 130 courses covering the field of law, or choose a specific major to study in the professional directions of the College, while the MSL program focuses more on the cultivation of students' ability in legal thinking. For details, please refer to the website of Hastings College of the Law:

Outstanding applicants for LLM program will be selected and recommended to apply for Riesenfeld Scholarship and outstanding applicants for MSL program will be recommended to apply for Geoff Hazard Scholarship. The above scholarships will be obtained by reducing the tuition fee by half, and other expenses during the stay in the United States will be paid by the participants themselves.

3.Credit mutual recognition

If the LLM program or MSL program of Hastings College of the Law is studied by the LLM and the JM (Juris Master) students of our school during the school period, the credits can be mutually recognized and the same courses in our school can be exempted after returning to China. The credits of the courses taken in Hastings College of the Law can be directly recognized as the highest score of the same level of credits of the same courses of our school.

4.Study time:

One year for full-time students.

5.Number of the students to be selected:

II.Eligible students

The full-time LLM and JM students, and the senior undergraduates (Note: students whose undergraduate program is not of law can apply for this program, but the premise of obtaining the degree of Hastings College of the Law is to obtain the LLM/JM degree from Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology after completing foreign courses and tasks when returning to China) who are officially registered in the Law School.

III.Application requirements:

1. Healthy students with high standard of morality and integrity, and no records of violation of discipline or law;

2. Students who get good grades in professional courses during the school period;

3. Having obtained the certificates of TOEFL (score of 90 or above) or IELTS (score of 7 or above).

IV.Principle of the selection

Based on the principles of procedural justice and merit-based selection, the School will set up a jury committee composed of professional teachers to select students with outstanding language and professional ability, diligence and enterprising spirit.

V.Procedure of the selection

The process of the selection will be divided into preliminary test and retest. The applicants who meet the application requirements will be selected on merit for admission, and the detailed arrangement will be notified separately.

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