This volume focuses on the comparison of human rights values between China and the West, with a view to excavating the internal and external valuesof contemporary Chinese human rights culture with development as the fundamental feature through exchanges, interaction and rational dialogue, and promoting the coexistence and mutual learning of Chinese and Western human rights cultures. In order to promote in-depth academic exchanges on this topic, on June 21, 2019, the“China-EuropeSeminaronHuman Rights”was held in Vienna, the capital of Austria, hosted by ChinaSociety for Human RightsandAustria-China Friendship Association, and jointly organized by Law SchoolandInstituteforHuman Rights Law of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and InstituteforHuman Rights of Wuhan University.The theme of the conference is“Comparison of Human Rights Values betweentheEast andtheWest”. 36 human rights experts from famous universities and research institutions in 11 European countries and 56 experts from China focused on the Universality and Speciality of Human Rights,the Human Rights Significance of the Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings, theHistory and Evolution of Human Rights Values,andHuman Rights Practice in China since the Founding of the People’s Republic of China and Its Global Significance, a total of 4 sub-topics were discussed and exchanged. With the consent of the authors, thisjournalchooses to publish some representative papers. In this context, I would like to express my sincere thanks toChinaSociety for Human Rights Studies, Austrian-China Friendship Association, Embassy of the people’s Republic of China in the Republic of Austria, Austrian Ministry of Justice, as well as the guests, experts and scholars!