Opening Ceremony of the 2019·China-Europe Seminar onHuman Rights
Welcoming Speech I Heinz Fischer (Austria)
Welcoming Speech II Fu Zitang (China)
Welcoming Speech III Li Xiaosi (China)
Welcoming Speech IV Xu Xiaodong (China)
ClosingCeremony of the 2019·China-Europe Seminar on Human Rights
Dialogue and Consensus: Comparison of Human Rights Valuesbetween the East and the West Wang Xigen (China)
Summary Speech Lu Guangjin (China)
Topic 1: Universality and Speciality of Human Rights
Human Rights in Confucian China Gerd Kaminski (Austria)
The Universality of Human Rights as an Invitation to Dialogue Michael Lysander Fremuth(Germany)
The Indian Conception of Human Rights -The Resilience of the Empirical Self Ramachandra Byrappa (India)
“Humanitarian fundamentalism”: Implications and Contradictions in International Relations Fabio Massimo Parenti (Italy)
A Contextual View at Human Rights Jan Campbell (Germany)
The African States and the International Criminal Court Christian MESTRE (France)
The Process of Dialogue and Universality Francisco Granja de Almeida (Portugal)
Value Difference and Possible Consensus between the East and the West in the Right to Development Wang Xigen (China)
Freedom from Fear Different Approaches Adopted by Europe and China Jing Chao (China)
Topic 2: The Human Rights Significance of the Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings
Transforming the International Human Rights System into a Community of Shared Future for MankindTom Zwart (The Netherlands)
Building a Community of Shared Future for Mankind: China’s Idea and Contribution to Global Governance of Human Rights Dai Ruijun (China)
The Human Rights Implication of “Building A Community of Shared Future for Mankind” Luo Yanhua (China)
Topic 3:The History and Evolution of Human Rights Values
Historical Logic and Social Logic of Human Rights He Zhipeng (China)
Human Rights Discourse of “Access to Justice” and Its Cultural Interpretation Liao Yi (China)
“On the Care of People in Ancient China - Taking‘Hehui’as an Example” Li Denglei(China)
Topic 4: Human Rights Practice in China since the Founding of the People’s Republic of China and Its Global Significance
Controlling Government in Contemporary China: Principles and Practices Qiao Congrui (China)
China and the International Human Rights System: From Passive Participation to Value PracticeZhang Aining (China)
The Protection on Environmental Rights: China’s Experience and Approach Tang Yingxia (China)
Inclusive Urban Ethics and Social Justice in the “Post-Imperial” Age - From the Perspective of the Development of Poverty Alleviation and Rights Protection Concerning the Disabled in Guangzhou Song Yaoxi (China)
“Understanding the Differences and Consensus of Human Rights Concepts between China and the United States from the Perspective of PovertyEradication - Taking CNN as the Object” ZhaoWendan(China)