The right to subsistence and development are the primary basic human rights, and the right to development is the core issue of human rights concerned by domestic and international society. In order to further deepen the theoretical and practical research on the right to development, contribute to high-quality development and modernization of the rule of law in China, and build an independent human rights knowledge system in China with the right to development as its core right, we have decided to officially rename the academic periodicalResearch on Development, Human Rights and Rule of LawasResearchonthe Right to Developmenton the tenth anniversary of its founding after soliciting opinions from many parties, and theperiodical is sponsored by the National Human Rights Education and Training Base, Institute for Human Rights Law of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and the Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
The editor-in-chief ofResearchonthe Right to Developmentis Professor Wang Xigen,Director of the National Human Rights Education and Training Base, Institute for Human Rights Law of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Dean of Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and UNSeniorConsultant ontheRight to Development. Through persistent academic research, participation in the drafting of UN international standards, conventions and important resolutions on the right to development, and taking the lead in drafting the national white paper on the right to development, we have constantly promoted the formation of academic brands with Chinese characteristics and Chinese style, and further promoted the theoretical research and practical exploration of human rights. On this basis, we integrate the strength ofbothinternational and domestic academic circles to launch this periodical.
I.The periodical aims to improve the theoretical quality of the research on the right to development, and selects contributions based on the theoretical, academic and original nature of the papers themselves.
II.The scope of topics includes but is not limited to: research on the right to development as human rights, research on development from the perspective of human rights, and research on human rights, human rights and their legal guarantee from the perspective of development. Contributed paper with more than 20,000 Chinese characters are welcome. The periodical has standing columns on the theory oftheright to development, human rights and the rule of law, development and human rights, foreign frontier, etc.
III.The periodical does not charge any form of fees.Ifthecontributedpaperisaccepted,we would send a sample publication with favorable remuneration.
IV.The periodical adopts the method of submitting by e-mail.
V.The email address for submission is: righttodevelopment@126.com. Contact: He Miao.
VI.Please use “author’s name + title of the contributed paper” as the email subject for submission.
VII.Contributed papers should be written in the format of “title of the paper-author’s name-abstract-keywords-text”. The title of the paper should be short and clear, and the English version of “title of the paper-author’s name-abstract-keywords” should be attached to the text. The author’s name should be marked with “*” in the upper right corner, citing the following personal information of the author: work or study unit, professional title or position, contact telephone number, e-mail address, detailed mailing address, etc.
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