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           Comprehensive and lasting research on the right to development in China's social sciences, especially the international influence of China's right to development discourse system, there are 1 senior consultant of the United Nations right to development, 1 distinguished professor of Changjiang scholars, "four batches" of cultural experts from the central government, "Ten Thousand People Plan" National Philosophy and Social Science Leading Talent, National Ten Million Talent, National One Hundred Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award Winners, published more than 100 papers on development rights, and more than 10 monographs on development rights in Chinese, English and Japanese, Including "Basic human rights in a society ruled by law-Research on the legal system of the right to development", "Research on the global rule of law mechanism for the right to development", "Research on development, human rights and the rule of law" series, "Research on the legal guarantee system for the equal right to development", "Right to development: possible Sustained Development and Good Governance Practice (English book). Created the Chinese and English editions of the "Right to Development Research" series. Appointed by the Central Propaganda Department, he is responsible for leading the drafting of the "White Paper on China's Right to Development". Since 2008, he has served as a senior advisory expert on the right to development of the United Nations. He has been invited to participate in consultation meetings at all levels of the right to development of the United Nations. It is included in the official documents of the United Nations. Provided a large number of advisory reports for the central and local party and government organs. Among them, relevant reports such as "Improving the International Influence of China's Right to Talk" (published in the "Seeking Truth") and other relevant reports were approved by the leaders.